Recycled Crayons

Toddler Town Chicago

If you have kids, you know you have some broken or ‘too small to use’ crayons somewhere in your house.  From our 10 classrooms at Toddler Town, we used to have a LOT of leftover crayons!

I felt bad about dumping them in the garbage cans until I found a few articles on Pinterest about how to recycle them.

The first time I did this little project was for Valentine’s Day. I put them in a goody bag for the kids in the daycare. They were thrilled! My kids were so excited when I asked them to peel and break the crayons.

Here’s how I did it: I put them in heart shape muffin silicon pans (from Michael’s) and I added a few drops of essential oils. I put 1 drop of the Tea Tree and 3-4 drops from the Lavender oil.

I then baked them at 250F for 15-17 min; the bigger hearts needed a couple more minutes. The house smelled so good from the lavender oil in the crayons! I had to label the bags with “It is melted crayons, not cookies”!!!

Next time I will try different shapes that I found at Ikea, but I will use a hair dryer or just leave them out in the sun because they are actually ice trays. Check your user guidelines before placing trays in the oven.

I can’t wait to try the newest one, a nifty Mickey Mouse shape that I just got from Disney World on our vacation!